delphine und wale

>>>>> Wale und Delphine: Soundkuenstler im Ozean,
>>>>> "Die komplexe Kommunikation zwischen ihnen bleibt uns verborgen,
>>>>> wenn wir den Pfad der konservativen, rein beobachtenden Wissenschaft
>>>>> nicht dann und wann verlassen um neue Möglichkeiten der
>>>>> Verständigung auszuprobieren. Das Medium Musik liegt da nahe.
>>>>> Wale und Delphine leben in einer akustisch orientierten Welt. Ihre
>>>>> Sprache ist Musik. Und Musik ermöglicht die Verständigung auf einer
>>>>> emotionalen Ebene."
>>> +
>>> WDCS is the global voice for whales, dolphins and their environment.
>> +
>> 30,000 whales have been killed since 1986 despite an international
>> 'ban' and pressure is mounting for the ban to be lifted. Help us stop
>> whaling and ensure a safer future for these incredible, intelligent
>> animals.
>> To register for your nearest walk online please click here and choose
>> the walk nearest to you from the options at the top
>> Alternatively contact the events team:
>> Email:
>> Web:
>> Thank You,
>> Pete & Mandie
>> WDCS Events Team
>> WDCS, the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society
> +
> Help change the debate about whaling. Read the Declaration of cetacean
> rights that was agreed during a conference in Helsinki at the end of
> May 2010. We are extremely proud of the fact that WDCS experts were
> part of developing and signing this Declaration that defines rights
> for Whales and Dolphins. For those who are interested in this new
> approach which urges for a shift in our relationship with these
> magnificent animals, please go to
> We have planned many activities in the coming days to increase global
> awareness to the current situation of whales and dolphins.
> Stay informed at
> We will keep you posted.
> --
> MfG, Karl Dietz