delphine und wale

die infos unten sind nicht primär on topic hier in der liste,
aber einige haben sicher diese tiere als krafttiere. namaste, k.

>>>>>> Wale und Delphine: Soundkuenstler im Ozean,
>>>>>> "Die komplexe Kommunikation zwischen ihnen bleibt uns verborgen,
>>>>>> wenn wir den Pfad der konservativen, rein beobachtenden Wissenschaft
>>>>>> nicht dann und wann verlassen um neue Möglichkeiten der
>>>>>> Verständigung auszuprobieren. Das Medium Musik liegt da nahe.
>>>>>> Wale und Delphine leben in einer akustisch orientierten Welt. Ihre
>>>>>> Sprache ist Musik. Und Musik ermöglicht die Verständigung auf einer
>>>>>> emotionalen Ebene."
>>>> +
>>>> WDCS is the global voice for whales, dolphins and their environment.
>>> +
>>> 30,000 whales have been killed since 1986 despite an international
>>> 'ban' and pressure is mounting for the ban to be lifted. Help us stop
>>> whaling and ensure a safer future for these incredible, intelligent
>>> animals.
>>> Email:
>>> Web:
>>> Thank You,
>>> Pete & Mandie
>>> WDCS Events Team
>>> WDCS, the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society
>> +
>> Help change the debate about whaling. Read the Declaration of cetacean
>> rights that was agreed during a conference in Helsinki at the end of
>> May 2010. We are extremely proud of the fact that WDCS experts were
>> part of developing and signing this Declaration that defines rights
>> for Whales and Dolphins. For those who are interested in this new
>> approach which urges for a shift in our relationship with these
>> magnificent animals, please go to
>> We have planned many activities in the coming days to increase global
>> awareness to the current situation of whales and dolphins.
>> Stay informed at
>> We will keep you posted.
>> --
>> MfG, Karl Dietz


Dear Friend

Now we need your help to stop Greenland from killing more whales.
A WDCS undercover investigation reveals shocking evidence. See our
film here:
Interviews reveal hunters are selling whale meat to four star tourist
hotels and 'hunt to order' for a company that sells meat to
supermarkets and hotels.

Denmark, on behalf of Greenland, is now demanding of the International
Whaling Commission that even more whales be killed to supply this
market. They are insisting on 10 humpback whales a year.
Greenland does not need these 10 extra whales and should not receive
this increase!

We know that our e-protests can work. YOU were instrumental in
persuading the EU not to support the proposed return to commercial
Now please sign a protest once again to stop this unnecessary
slaughter from going ahead.

Chris Butler-Stroud
WDCS Chief Executive

MfG, Karl Dietz