Paul Goodman . CG Jung

>>> ----
>>> CONTRASTE - Monatszeitung für Selbstorganisation. 1984 ff.
>>> ----
>>> CONTRASTE - LIST at Yahoo!Groups. 2000 ff.
>>> ----

im september 2000 begann die contraste-list. ganz schön lang ...

> +
> Paul Goodman
> In den 1960er Jahren hat Paul Goodman <>
> aktiv in der Alternativschul-Szene mitgewirkt. Sehr bekannt wurde die
> »First Street School« in einem New Yorker sozialen Brennpunkt.
> Laura Perls <> und Fritz Perls
> <> waren über seine Veröffentlichungen
> in Südafrika auf ihn aufmerksam geworden und nahmen mit ihm Kontakt auf,
> zusammen mit Goodman und Ralph Hefferline geben sie die erste Theorie
> der "Gestalttherapy - Exitement and Growth in the Human Personality" heraus.
> Goodman war Schriftsteller und Lehrer, wurde aber als scharfer Kritiker
> geschnitten. Erst mit Aufwachsen im Widerspruch (1960)
> Richard Kitzler: "Für Paul Goodman war die Psychoanalyse ein fruchtbarer
> Boden, auf dem man stehen und wachsen konnte. Als Architekt einer
> Theorie der Gestalttherapie setzte er diesen Gedanken um, ging dann von
> der Psychoanalyse weiter zu Reich und schließlich über Reich hinaus und
> kam zur Gestalt. Aus seiner Sicht entwickelt sich die Gestalttherapie
> von Charcot über Freud und Reich bis zu uns." in:
> Anarchist, Poet, Romanschreiber, Kurzgeschichtenschreiber, Psychologe,
> Soziologen, Erzieher, Ökonom etc etc ...
> "Seine großartige Analyse über Amerika ist schlecht übersetzt in dem
> 'Verlag Darmstädter Blätter' erschienen ("Aufwachsen im Widerspruch";
> Originaltitel "Growing up Absurd"). Er starb 1972. Ich finde, er hat
> einen erheblichen Beitrag zur Weiterentwicklung der anarchistischen
> Theorie (vor allen Dingen Kropotkins) geleistet." schreibt Stefan,
> Münster auf ... le/sp_9/sp8_sp9.html
> <>


Swiss Psychiatrist Carl Jung's "Red Book" Is Focus of Library
Exhibition Opening June 17

Nearly a century after its creation, "The Red Book" by Swiss
psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) will be the centerpiece of a
new Library of Congress exhibition titled "The Red Book of Carl G.
Jung: Its Origins and Influence" on view June 17 through Sept. 25,
from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Saturday, in the Thomas
Jefferson building, located at 10 First Street S.E., Washington, D.C.

The 205-page illustrated manuscript—in the author's own hand—had been
locked in a vault after Jung's death. With permission from Jung's
heirs, W.W. Norton published a facsimile edition in October 2009.
Edited by distinguished Jung scholar Sonu Shamdasani of the Wellcome
Trust Center of University College, London, the book has already been
reprinted to meet the significant demand.

The original work, created between 1914 and 1930, has been brought
from the Foundation of the Works of C.G. Jung to the United States to
be displayed in New York, Los Angeles and Washington, D.C., at the
Library of Congress.

"The Red Book" was the product of a technique developed by Jung, which
he termed "active imagination." Of the work, Jung said, "The years ...
when I pursued the inner images, were the most important time of my
life … My entire life consisted in elaborating what had burst forth
from the unconscious and flooded me like an enigmatic stream and
threatened to break me."

Following what has been called by some "a period of creative illness"
following his professional break with psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud,
Jung made his most important contributions to psychology by putting
forth his theories of archetypes, the collective unconscious common to
all human beings and individuation (self-awareness).

The exhibition will put "The Red Book" in context by displaying with
it selected items from the Library's rich collections that complement
the work. They will reveal biographical information about Jung; the
influences on him at the time of the book's creation; and the
influence on 20th-century culture of the theories Jung began to
develop while writing the book.

Drawn from a number of Library divisions, the items on display will
include original letters between Jung and Freud that illustrate the
differences that led to their estrangement; page proofs, annotated by
Jung, of the English edition of his autobiography; first editions of
many of Jung's most important publications; photographs of Jung at
various ages; rare alchemy books that influenced Jung; a Tibetan
mandala; original hand-colored illustrations by William Blake; and
items that demonstrate Jung's influence on such artists as Martha
Graham, Federico Fellini and Jorge Luis Borges and on popular-culture
icons such as the film "Star Wars."

In conjunction with the exhibition, a public symposium will be held at
the Library of Congress on June 19, 2010, featuring top Jungian
scholars. While free and open to the public, seats for the symposium
are filled and registration has been closed.

Founded in 1800, the Library of Congress is the nation's oldest
federal cultural institution. The Library seeks to spark imagination
and creativity and to further human understanding and wisdom by
providing access to knowledge through its magnificent collections,
programs and exhibitions. Many of the Library's rich resources can be
accessed through its website at and via interactive
exhibitions on a personalized website at

2908 via loc

MfG, Karl Dietz