Re: About The Galilean Library

Tycho Brahe was born on the 14th of December in 1546 - his

You can find a complete description of them at the Royal Library of
Denmark: (also in English...)

Great Astronomers by Robert S. Ball -

The Martyrs of Science, or,
The lives of Galileo, Tycho Brahe, and Kepler -

>>>>>> About The Galilean Library
>>>>>> As you likely have already guessed, The Galilean Library takes its name from
>>>>>> the famous Florentine, Galileo Galilei. A lengthy biographical essay on the
>>>>>> man is available here <>, but it is
>>>>>> the sheer scope and consequences of his writings which inspire the site. His
>>>>>> ideas, arguments and experiments have impacted on philosophy, theology,
>>>>>> history, literature, rhetoric, mechanics, dynamics, and later more generally
>>>>>> in what would become science and the philosophy of science. Some have called
>>>>>> him the "father of modern science", but the influence of his thought has
>>>>>> been felt across the intellectual landscape and continues to this day.
>>>>>> */"Everyone is welcome to get involved with The Galilean Library, whether by
>>>>>> participating at The Academy, contributing reviews for The Grove, suggesting
>>>>>> ways to develop the site or endeavouring to making it known as a resource
>>>>>> and a home for open-ended learning."/*
>>>>>> The Academy <>
>>>>>> Manuscripts <>
>>>>>> The Grove <>
>>>>>> Studi Galileiani <>
>>>>>> =====================================
>>>>>> =====================================
>>>>> +
>>>>> @ihr_history: Author and reviewer cross
>>>>> swords over new Galileo biography
>> die mail wg. dem 470. todestag von galileo gestern. eben gesehen via wiki p
>> dort seit kurzem 1.340.000 artikel in dt. sprache seit januar2001. cool. k.
> die mail wg. #bornonthisday in 1564
> +
> s.a.
> Für Galilei war es offensichtlich, dass seine astronomischen
> Beobachtungen das heliozentrische Weltbild des Nikolaus Kopernikus
> stützten, aber keinen zwingenden Beweis lieferten: Sämtliche
> Beobachtungen wie etwa die Venusphasen waren auch mit dem Weltmodell
> des Tycho Brahe vereinbar, wonach sich Sonne und Mond um die Erde, die
> übrigen Planeten aber um die Sonne drehen. Tatsächlich gelang es erst
> James Bradley im Jahre 1729, mit der stellaren Aberration die
> Eigenbewegung der Erde gegenüber der Fixsternsphäre nachzuweisen.
> via wiki p

die mail wg tycho * äh #bornonthisday