"Imagine an electronic page for each species of organism on Earth..."
- Edward O. Wilson
>>>>>> Die Encyclopedia of Life soll eine Datenbank für alle 1,8 Mio
>>>>>> Lebenwesen
>>>>>> auf
>>>>>> der Erde werden, die bekannt sind.
>>>>>> Hier ist ein Auszug aus den FAQ:
>>>>>> Ultimately, the Encyclopedia will serve as an online reference source
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> database for every one of the 1.8 million species that are named and
>>>>>> known
>>>>>> on this planet, as well as all those later discovered and described.
>>>>>> Encyclopedia of Life will be used as both a teaching and a learning
>>>>>> tool,
>>>>>> helping scientists, educators, students, and the community at large
>>>>>> gain
>>>>>> a
>>>>>> better understanding of this planet and all who inhabit it.
>>>>>> ----
>>>>>> ----
>>> +
>>> ----
>>> UnderstandingMedia
>>> Text von MarshallMcLuhan aus dem Jahr 1964.
>>> --
>>> MfG, Karl Dietz