>>>> Ann Okerson
>>>> Yale University Library, Associate Director
>>>> Open Access and Licensing: heresy or synergy?
>>>> ABSTRACT: Library consortia have a decades-long history, but with the
>>>> advent of Web-based information, the numbers have grown rapidly as
>>>> libraries have joined together to license and utilize electronic
>>>> resources. The talk will review briefly the history and profile of
>>>> such consortia, which vary enormously in size, funding, and mandate/
>>>> mission. The results of a survey of International Coalition of
>>>> Library Consortia (ICOLC) members' statements about current and new
>>>> directions will be reported.
>>>> BIO: Since 1996, Ann Okerson has been at Yale, following experience
>>>> in academic library management, the commercial sector, and as senior
>>>> program officer at the Association of Research Libraries. In 1996,
>>>> she organized the Northeast Research libraries consortium (NERL), a
>>>> group of 27 large and over 50 smaller libraries negotiating for
>>>> electronic information and engaging in other cooperative activities.
>>>> She is one of the active, founding spirits of the International
>>>> Coalition of Library Consortia (ICOLC). Activities include many
>>>> projects, publications, advisory boards, and speaking engagements
>>>> around the world, as well as professional awards. She is a leader in
>>>> licensing electronic scholarly resources, developing a model contract
>>>> used by libraries and organizations everywhere. She is a Principal
>>>> Investigator on several grants for building components of a Middle
>>>> East Virtual Library and a Foundation grant for improving liberal arts
>>>> teaching through use of library special collections.
>>> Okerson, Ann:
>>> Six Flavors of Open Access: Successes and Possibilities for STM
>>> Journals.
>>> In: LiberQuarterly 14 (2004), Nr. 3/4, 340 – 347.
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MfG, Karl Dietz