Facebook, twitter und co ... #TOP10 #digitalesLernen

> die top10 der social networks laut jane hart

> Some social networks are up, some down.
> Unsurprisingly, perhaps in the light of recent issues,
> Facebook has
> dropped out of the Top 10 for the first time since 2011
> (although Facebook-owned WhatsApp and Instagram still continue to do well).
> However, Google+ has slipped right down to 188th place.
> Twitter, on the other hand, has moved back up one place to 4th place,
> and it is quite clear that those who do understand how to use it
> effectively still find it a very valuable tool, and have not been put
> off by the bad press, although many have modified their activity on
> it.
> LinkedIn has also moved up the list and is now in 5th place,
> and a new entrant in this category is
> Stack Overflow – the community
> for IT developers. This seems to concur with recent findings that
> people now tend to prefer private, industry-specific groups and
> networks rather than public networks.


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260918 e-teaching via facebook

Viele Grüße, Karl Dietz
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E-Learning / Seminare / Vorträge
Internet / Recherche / Social Media / Digitales Lernen