Malcolm Fraser Cameron

> Malcolm Fraser Cameron
> 1. Born Edinburgh, Scotland 5.November 1963.
> 2. Grew up and went to school in Buckie, a fishing town in North
> East Scotland.
> 3. Learned guitar and bass, later piano and percussion.
> 4. First live performance(two tunes on electric lead guitar) in a
> school dance in Kronach, Bavaria, aged 15 (on exchange holiday
> with the school).
> 5. Started first band aged 16 - played local hotel in Buckie - full
> house, maximum pleasure. Controversy over chosen band name
> "Charles Manson". 1982: Went to Aberdeen, wrote songs, painted,
> jammed round the clock with friends.
> 6. 1985: Recieved radio play for two of my songs "Painting
> Towns" & "Thorn", written and performed alone.
> 7. 1986-1990: Studied at Grays School of Art, Aberdeen,
> Scotland. Batchelor of Art(honours). 1986 awarded John Gray
> Legacy (Art School Prize) won external awards in consecutive four
> years of study.
> 8. 1986: my son Iain Campbell Cameron was born
> 9. Played bass in "The Hole in the Wall Gang" - a scottish Rock
> Band.
> 10. October 1991: Came to Germany
> 11. 1992: founded "The Honeythieves" - changed line-up more often than
> fleetwood mac.
> 12. 1995-1998: performed as "Fraser, Marie & Gaz" - recorded live CD,
> enjoyed regional popularity in Southern Germany.
> 13. 1998: Single "Run in this Race" was released by Deshima, distributed by
> BMG/Ariola.
> 14. 1998: Song "Run in this race" features in detective TV film (Germany)
> "die Neue - eine Frau mit Kaliber" (Sat 1, ORF) beo-film production..
> 15. 2000: produced the album "Hardly see a Thing" with Paul Harriman and
> Oliver Utzt.
> 16. New CD getting radio play in Scotland(Moray Firth Radio - and now being
> picked up over here).
> 17. "Forgot to rise with the Sun" played on Radio 7 as a song for Africa.
> 18. Played as supporting act for Bob Dylan - Unipark Schwäbisch Gmünd,
> Germany (7 th july 2001).
> 19. Played as supporting act for Van Morrison- Esslingen Burg,
> Germany (25 th july 2002).
> 20. Sang on the soundtrack for film "Der zehnte Sommer" (The
> Tenth Summer) music composed by Mick Baumeister.
> The film premiered this year at " The Berlinale".
> 21 2004 new album "rain before seven".
> written, performed and recorded alone.
> Mixed and mastered by Uli Hoffmann.
> aus www
> --
> listex
> --


noch ein malcolm ...

PHOENIX Programmhinweis: 15.07.10, Dokumentation, 22.15 Uhr

Die letzten Tage einer Legende
Malcolm X
Film von Ted Anspach

21. Februar 1965, New York City: Der schwarze Bürgerrechtler Malcolm X
wird während einer politischen Kundgebung vor den Augen seiner Familie
erschossen. An diesem Tag stirbt eine der führenden Figuren der
afroamerikanischen Freiheitsbewegung im Alter von nur 39 Jahren.

Malcolm X war gleichzeitig Wortführer und radikaler Kritiker der
US-amerikanischen Bürgerrechtsbewegung, die Martin Luther King
begründet hatte. Denn obwohl er Kings Traum vom Ende der
'Rassentrennung' teilte, glaubte Malcolm X nicht an die gewaltlose
Integrationsstrategie mithilfe der 'liberalen' Weißen. Malcolm X
plädierte dafür, dass Schwarze sich verteidigen sollten - was auch
immer dazu notwendig sei. Durch sein Engagement für die 'Nation of
Islam' wurde Malcolm X schließlich zum Feinbild der weißen Nation.

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