On Thu, Nov 14, 2019 at 2:51 PM06.-09.02.20, TREFFPUNKT Rotebühlplatz
INDIANER INUIT: North America Native Film Festival 2020
Mark your calendars: INDIANER INUIT is a bi-annual festival dedicated to indigenous film makers from the USA and Canada and the only of its kind in Europe. It will take place again from February 6 through 9, 2020. > MORE>>>>>>>
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Dienstag, 04.02., 19.00 Uhr, ifa WeltRaum
Contemporary Indigenous Storytelling: Writing the Past, Living the Present and Preserving the Future
A long time ago, stories used to be passed around the bonfires via oral narratives. In Stuttgart, Drew Hayden Taylor will share the growing power of Indigenous storytelling in the 21st century. This event is part of INDIANER INUIT: DAS NORDAMERIKA FILMFESTIVAL. > MORE
Contemporary Indigenous Storytelling: Writing the Past, Living the Present and Preserving the Future
A long time ago, stories used to be passed around the bonfires via oral narratives. In Stuttgart, Drew Hayden Taylor will share the growing power of Indigenous storytelling in the 21st century. This event is part of INDIANER INUIT: DAS NORDAMERIKA FILMFESTIVAL. > MORE