Susan Sontag * 16.01.1933

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"My library is an archive of longings." - Susan Sontag


>> === How to raise a child - 10 rules from [[Susan Sontag]] ===

 In October of 1977, Susan Sontag delivered one of the institute's five
James Lectures for that year. Her topic was "Illness as Metaphor". She
explored the truth that it was no longer possible, as she wrote, "to
take up one's residence in the kingdom of the ill unprejudiced by the
lurid metaphors with which it has been landscaped." Though she did not
directly reference it, she herself was being treated for breast cancer
at the time. The lecture was published in 1978, first as three essays in
the New York Review of Books, and then as a book. It went on to become
one of Sontag's best-known pieces of writing.  

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