Mehr OER aus dem ÖRR? Bitte hier mitzeichnen für Öffentliches Geld – Öffentliches Gut!
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die info zu den OER guidelines passt auch gut zu oben
und wenn ich schon am mailen an inetbib bin:
die library futures conference in wien ist abgesagt:
Viele Grüße, Karl Dietz
Mobil 0172 / 768 7976
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On Thu, Feb 20, 2020 at 12:41 PM Karl Dietz <> wrote:
Fengchun Miao, Sanjaya Mishra, Dominic Orr, Ben Janssen & UNESCO (2019). Guidelines on the development of open educational resources policies. ISBN: 978-92-3-100341-7. Online:
„The aims of these guidelines are to help these people to:
- Understand essential subject-matter knowledge on OER through a learning-by-doing process
- Develop a set of procedural knowledge on OER policy planning, working through key steps necessary for designing a comprehensive OER policy
- Reinforce the contextual knowledge needed to leverage OER in achieving SDG 4 through assessing the policy context and needs for OER, planning institutionalised programmes and drawing up a contextualised masterplan
- Ensure the commitment to policy adoption and implementation through integrating stakeholder engagement into the policy-planning process and determining adequate policy endorsement and implementation strategies
- Enhance the quality of policy implementation by planning a mechanism for monitoring and evaluation, and working towards an evidence-based policy-planning and updating cycle."