Bodleian library in oxford ... #BOOKmooc

Released On: 31 Aug 2020
Available for 4 days

A 3000-year journey through the destruction of knowledge and the fight against all the odds to preserve it. Richard Ovenden, director of the Bodleian Library, explains how attacks on libraries and archives have been a feature of history since ancient times, but have increased in frequency and intensity during the modern era. Libraries are far more than stores of literature, through preserving the legal documents such as Magna Carta and records of citizenship they also support the rule of law and the rights of citizens. Today, the knowledge they hold on behalf of society is under attack as never before. At once a powerful history of civilisation and a manifesto for the vital importance of physical libraries in our increasingly digital age, Burning the Books is also a very human story animated by an unlikely cast of adventurers, self-taught archaeologists, poets, freedom-fighters - and, of course, librarians and the heroic lengths they will go to preserve and rescue knowledge. Richard Ovenden demonstrates fundamentally how knowledge of the past still has so many valuable lessons to teach us and we ignore it at our peril. Written by Richard Ovenden Read by Anthony Head Abridged by Siân Preece Produced by Jill Waters



Burning the Books by Richard Ovenden  

Viele Grüße, Karl Dietz
Mobil  0172 / 768 7976


Duke Humfrey's Library is the oldest reading room in the Bodleian Library at the University of Oxford. It is named after Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, a connoisseur of literature, who donated his collection of 281 books to the university at his death in 1447. Books were hand-written at the time and his legacy was considered an extraordinarily generous donation, since the university previously had only 20 books. Only three books from the original donation remain, the rest having been removed in 1550 and probably burnt during the Reformation. The library was restored and restocked by Thomas Bodley from 1598 onwards. The books in the oldest part of the library are accommodated in oak bookcases that are at right angles to the walls on either side, with integrated reading desks. The ceiling consists of panels painted with the coat of arms of the University of Oxford.

This picture shows the interior of Duke Humfrey's Library, looking east along the medieval section towards the arts end.

via wiki p

Viele Grüße, Karl Dietz
Mobil  0172 / 768 7976

+ some wdh

As a medium for the display of information

, === the printed page is superb. It affords enough resolution to meet the eye's demand. It presents enough information to occupy the reader for a convenient quantum of time. It offers great flexibility of font and format. It lets the reader control the mode and rate of inspection. It is small, light, movable, cuttable, clippable, pastable, replicable, dis- posable, and inexpensive. Those positive attributes all relate, as indicated, to the display function.

die zeilen oben 

sind aus 1965


ein tln im elearning vor langer zeit kam mal mit einem leitz ordner incl. aller meiner mails an die seminarliste ... 

Der Tag, als er sich in der Bodleian Library als Benutzer registrieren
liess, war Tolkien einen Bericht an seine Verlobte Edith wert.

«Um 11 Uhr», so schrieb er, «zog ich meinen Talar an und wappnete mich
für eine Prüfung, die ich lang vor mir hergeschoben habe: nämlich mich
an der Bodleian Library registrieren zu lassen und den Eid abzulegen.
Ich wurde freundlicher empfangen, als ich erwartet hatte – zu manchen
Leuten sind sie ausgesprochen grob –, und ging dann zur Radcliffe
Camera [dem öffentlichen Lesesaal der Bibliothek], um mich dort
einzuschreiben. Du kannst Dir nicht vorstellen, mein Kleines, welch
ein ehrfurchtgebietender und glänzender Ort diese Bibliothek voll
wunderbarer Manuskripte und unbezahlbarer Bücher ist.»


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