Elsa Gindler * 19.06.1885 :: Sophie Ludwig


some little action zu elsa #bornonthisday in 1885

part 1 of x

Viele Grüße, Karl Dietz
Mobil  0172 / 768 7976

Aus dem

Sensory_Awareness_Foundation Newsletter
Spring/Summer 1998

by Mary_Alice_Roche

legal heir of Heinrich_Jacoby and Elsa_Gindler and, lifetime
teacher of their work, has died at the age of 95. Though suffering a
debilitating illness, she continued to teach almost until the end - in
the apartment in Berlin which she had shared with Gindler until her
death in 1961.

Ludwig established the Heinrich_Jacoby/Elsa_Gindler Foundation,
to care for all the materials having to do with them and their work,
and her legacy includes four books compiled from this material.
According to Gindler, Jacoby was the one who could best verbalize
their work, and his actual words can now be read, thanks to Ludwig
who edited and brought these books to publication. They include:
early lectures; an introductory course; four early lectures; a music
course; and a course having to do with education. Just before her
death, Ludwig completed a manuscript about Elsa Gindler. We
hope that it, too, will be published - and that all these invaluable
writings will then be translated into English so they can be read by
those of us who do not know German, the only language in which
they are now available.

The other great legacy of Sophie Ludwig comes through the many
generations of students who have attended her classes. When
visiting her in Berlin in 1983, I saw photographs of people with
deformities doctors had been unable to remedy, taken before and
after classes with Ludwig. The change was very impressive. I also
heard tapes of a student speaking and reading poetry. On the
"before" tape he stuttered so badly, with such excruciating effort,
that it was painful to hear. On the second tape, made after a short
time of study with Ludwig, there was still some hesitation, but the
stuttering was gone, along with the excruciating effort. He could
even express the feeling of the poem. What did she offer that
brought about these changes? Impressions from an actual course
can best tell us that.

Memories of a course with Sophie_Ludwig - from the notes of
Ruth_Veselko excerpted from the SAF Newletter Spring/Summer
Speaking a poem was a favorite experiment of Jacoby and Ludwig.
It brought about many discoveries about daily attitude/behavior. The
task is to become clear about the connections within the poem,
with the sense of the whole - then to allow the content to change
me. First is to become quiet in the eyes, then to feel when I can
start to speak without pressure, then to have courage to let my
feelings come out. I don't need to imagine how a word should be
emphasized, I only need to speak it out of my felling. It is not the
task to speak a poem "correctly," but to express to another
something that has meaning to me.

! Texte
* Lebenslauf : http://www.jacobygindler.ch/gindler.html

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